Travel Kit in Black - Giveaway (CLOSED)

Here comes another cool giveaway for the ladies out there. 
I have been sponsored by Sigma to host this giveaway for Travel Kit in Black!
Lets move to HOW TO ENTER part =)

Must Entry (+1 entry)
  • Just follow my blog through G.F.C, publicly!

Optional Entries
  • Subscribe to my Blog via email by entering your email address in right sidebar widget. (+5 entries)
  • Post about this giveaway on you blog linking back to this post. (+3 entries)
  • Put the above picture on sidebar of your blog linking back to this post. (+2 entries)
  • If you have a Facebook fan page, post this giveaway on it. (+3 entries)
  • Like my Facebook fan page HERE. (+1 entry)
  • Follow me on Twitter HERE. (+1 entry)
  • Subscribe to my Youtube channel HERE. (+1 entry) 

Fill the following form Only ONCE. If you want to have more than one entry, fill this form AFTER you have made all the entries you want.
If you have any question before you enter, feel free to contact me HERE.

The giveaway will end on 15th of September, 2011. The winner will be chosen via and will be announced after 15th of September. 
This giveaway is for females only and open worldwide.
There will be only one winner. Winner will be announced on my Blog and will be informed via email. 
If the winner will not contact me within 48 hours of the announcement, I will choose a new winner.

Click HERE to know more about this Travel Kit.
Don't forget to share this giveaway using one of the sharing options below.

Good Luck!
*Stay Beautiful


  1. Hi I have participated in your giveaway.... I am also a beauty blogger from Pakistan. Join my blog

  2. great...hope to win

  3. Hi,

    I love this sigma Travel Kit . Thanks for this lovely giveaway. Do check my blog , i would love to see you commenting on my posts :)

  4. Thanks for our participation...
    @shinaya and makeup glitz...i have joined your blogs =)

  5. I have entered your contest. I have been looking at your blog and I love it. Keep up the good work.


  6. I entered twice since one foem was incomplete. You asked me to leave this message here to let you see this.

  7. thanks 4 ds travel kit...hope i can win it in ur giveaway cz after u gifted me that F80 brush i m just in love with sigma n cant afford it rgt its like my dream:))i done all the things..hope i m correct n hope i can win:))

  8. hi. i just entered. hope i will win for my birthday gift.hehe!thank you!

  9. hey hun! thanks for inviting me to the giveaway :) you have a lovely blog and i'm your new follower now :) <3 <3

  10. @helly..good luck again girl :) and email me the picture of that brush if u can..
    @che...gud luck then n happy bday :)
    @fragancia...u r welcome :) <3 back

  11. Hello I just hope I can find part bss =)

  12. I hope to win my birthday is September 10 jejej =)

  13. Hey, I just realized that this giveaway ends just 2 days before my birthday!!! Awesome!!! ^.^

  14. entered.!
    now time to pray hard.!teehee:D

  15. Thank you, I just entered! ;) x

  16. Posted about your giveaway here.. Congratulations you are the first one :)

  17. i entered twice, kindly ignore the first half entry, :(

    Take my 2nd full entry.

    Good luck to all

  18. its aaallaa...wanna win this

  19. Entered!! i hope i will this time.. coz simga brushes are dream..coz i am a student and cant afford them :( .. anyways.. fingures crossed!!


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