Virtual Color Matching by Adorn Mineral Cosmetics!

A few days back I was asked by Adorn Mineral Cosmetics to try this feature of "Virtual Color Matching" on their website and share it with my readers. I gave it a try and I thought to share it with you as I am pretty satisfied with it.
Lemme tell you guys about it and how it works!
What is Virtual Color Matching?
Adorn Mineral Cosmetics thought to help their customer's complaints when purchasing cosmetic; inexperienced staff, insufficient time, bad in store lighting and a desperate approach to customer satisfaction. By offering their Virtual Color Matching Service, they are keen to build a confidence in online cosmetics purchases.

How it works?
Using revolutionary technology, customers upload a photo of themselves and request specific products to be color matched to. This is more advanced than other cosmetic sites who merely ask online shopper to choose their closest complexion match from range of different stock images.

Steps to follow for Virtual Color Matching Service:
Step #1. Go to Adorn Mineral Cosmetics.
Step #2. Create an account with a valid email address, because they will be sending you the results via email.
Step #3. After you sign into your account, you will see something like this.
 Click on Virtual Color Matching
Step #4. Up next, you will see a form like this. You will need a head shot/picture of yourself. Fill the form and hit SAVE. You can chose up to 4 products. You are done. =) 

Soon, you will get an email with a picture like this. All the colors will be matching according to your skin tone of the products you selected previously.

Trust me this is a must try. Let me know if you have tried it or going to try it. How did you find this? Helpful or not?

See you soon

*Stay Beautiful

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