Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or Google+ ???

I never thought to join any other of these social networks for work and I was happy with a personal profile on Facebook until . . .
I started making videos on Youtube which lead me to start a Facebook Fan page and then a  Twitter account. Few months after that I started a blog that you guys are reading this post on =) and now I am on Google+ ... *phewww*
If I did not have an email address to keep a track of all of these, I would have hired an assistant lol =P 
Join me on all these networks if you feel like =) And feel free to share yours with me via this Contact Form =) I will make sure to join back each and one of you.
Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube, Google+ and don't forget to follow my blog via email and GFC from sidebar =)
*No links in comments please!

See you soon
*Stay Beautiful


  1. I had a google+ account but I dont use it at all! But following you everywhere else

  2. I have some of them too, they help a lot to keep in touch

  3. Just so you know, Google has announced it's getting rid of GFC for all non-blogger hosted sites come March 2012! Read and voice your opinion about it here!: http://youngtrendsetterreviews.blogspot.com/2011/11/death-of-google-friend-connect.html


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